Natural Pietersite Stone For Sale at Wholesale Price

Pietersite is a Garnet Stone, also referred to as “Tempest Stone”. It has an Association with the Storm component, alleged as Tempest. Pietersite Stone is a current Finding and is said to handle the keys to the realm of Paradise. It is Golden-Brown to grey in shading & is Speckled in the upper surface, Luminous and Frequently Tumbled.Natural Pietersite Stone For Sale at Wholesale Price.

Pietersite helps you to look Ahead than where you are at Present, to see the Master plan. This Gemstone helps shamanic Journeying and is a Crystal that urges you to comprehend you is a Spiritual being.

This use of the power of your creative mind to dream, and to make Lovely Visions and standards are incredible. These Gemstones often manifest astounding shades of Different hues.

Pietersite was found in Africa in 1962 by Sid Pieters. It is a Gemstone with Whirling gold, Blue, or red hue bands Commonly cemented with Quartz. Pietersite Stone was uncovered by Sid Pieter’s during 1962 while he was Searching for farmland in Namibia, Africa. After his discoveries, he enrolled his discoveries in the mineral records of Britain. His complete finding wasn’t published until 1964. The Stone was to be known as “Pietersite”. There have been some doubts regarding this material as it is often referred the “Eagle’s Eye” & “Tempest Stone”, and said to a mix of Gold Tiger’s Eye and Blue Quartz, which was present in the Earth.

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