Fire Agate 

Fire Agate

“Welcome to the World of Fire Agate”

Fire AgateFire Agate has the fierceness, intensity and passion of fire. This magnificent crystal resembling a stone made out of the fire is bold and brave. Not fearing any demons that dwell in this world, the evil we carry in our minds, it can battle them all.

Bold on the outside, it is a soft stone from inside carrying immense love and passion. Spreading joy and happiness, this gemstone is a wonder in itself. It will wrap you up in a blanket of warmth and make you feel safe and secure lie you are in the arms of the sun. This is a crystal for Aries. When worn as a pendant or necklace around the heart, the attracting and strengthening powers of the stone for an Aries are strongest.


Know My Story!

Fire AgateThis Agate is restricted to few locations around the globe. It is not an abundant gemstone and therefore is considered rare. The United States and Mexico are the prominent deposition location of this gemstone and contribute nearly 97% of the total Fire Agate production in the world. In the United state, Arizona and California along with the surrounding areas of Colorado are the chief mining locations of Fire Agate.

Mexico’s Fire Agate is considered of the highest quality. The state of Aguascalientes, Mexico has the famous mine of Calvillo producing the best quality Fire Agate. San Luis Potosi also has the deposition of this Agate. The gemstone mined from these areas possesses the golden-fire like appearance. The rainbow-colored sparkle is rare in these stones due to distinct composition.


My Quality and Value – 

Fire AgateFire Agate is a natural gemstone belonging to the chalcedony quartz exhibiting a fire like iridescent effect. The color of this gemstone is brown to golden-like. The stone shows an iridescent resembling a fire-like appearance. This shade of stone is due to the presence of Iron in crystal’s composition. When viewed under light, Fire Agate shows rainbow-like sparkle. The various colors observed are violet, blue, pink and red.

This Agate has a translucent to opaque clarity; translucent variety is the most desired. When these stones are shaped and polished they have a dull to waxy luster. Fire Agates demand a perfect cut for a maximum iridescence. They are plain cut and sold in free form shapes. Oval shaped Fire Color Agate is the common and most desired form.

Fire AgateIt is a gemstone of silica family and can be identified by silicon deposition in its crystal. Fire Agate has a hardness of 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs scale with a specific gravity of about 2.57 to 2.69. It has no cleavage and has a hexagonal crystal structure. The refractive index of Fire Agate is 1.53 to 1.54.

This Agate has a multi-layered structure which causes diffraction of light resulting in the various spectrum’s of beautiful colors. Orange, green and red are the prominent colors observed.


I am a Healer!

Fire AgateFire Agate possessing the fierceness, boldness and passion of a fire is a strong healing stone. This is a strong grounding stone. This gemstone has a calming effect on the wearer. When you wear a Fire Agate, it calms your nerves and senses, smooth-ens the blood flow and removes stress bring an overall calmness to your body.

It also helps the wearer in overcoming fear and doubtfulness. This stone instills bravery and courage to the mind and surrounds your soul with security and safety. It can remove unhealthy cravings. Sometimes we crave things, people or habits that are destructive to our mind and body. These cravings can take over your mind and lead to a long-term unhealthy way of living which in turns costs our happiness. It helps you to overcome these cravings and motivates you to adapt to a healthier lifestyle.

This stone can increase your sex drive and sexual vitality giving you and your partner the satisfaction. It also builds a romantic and passionate relationship between two people.

Fire AgateYour lack of energy and lethargy can also be fixed by this stone. Fire Agate is a cleansing stone. It removes negative energies and thoughts from within and around you. It cleans your heart from bad thoughts and wrongdoings. Any sort of jealousy or bitterness residing in your heart can be removed with the help of Fire Agate.

This gemstone promotes self-love. It makes you more understanding and accepting of yourself and harbors the seed of self-love and care within you. With this stone around your heart, you are alienated from any kind of hatred and self-loathing.

It connects to the deepest desire of your heart and motivates you to take actions to achieve those desires without fearing the risks involved. The hue of orange shade inside the crystal of Fire Agate is believed to attract joy and friendship. This stone can strengthen family bonds and bring closeness among family members.

Shop Fire Agate Stone Here!

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