Orange DiamondOrange Diamond

“Welcome to the World of Orange Diamond”

Orange DiamondOrange Diamond are very widely known over the world. It is very beautiful and attractive to the people. This Diamond is found broadly in the world. These Diamonds that are found in Orange color that is very influential and gorgeous in look. It is a secondary hue. Orange ones are not very arduous to find. It can be found readily in the world. Orange Color ones are highly exceptional in the world. These are not so rare but it is found in many intense grades so certain intense grades are quite rare and not convenient to discover.

Natural Orange one is very unique and it is very Fabulous in natural hues. Natural Fancy ones are found in many secondary hues Orange, purple, red, yellow, etc. These secondary hues are a very famous color in the world and highly sought in the world. Natural Fancy Diamonds are utterly natural and pure in nature and it’s the main reason is the presence of nitrogen in the Orange Diamonds.


Know My Story!

Orange DiamondOrange Diamonds are not so rare as compared to other colored Diamonds like red, green, pink Diamonds. These Diamonds have a great story of its uses and existence in nature. The Brown and yellow hues are deemed the energetic Modifiers of it. Pastel is a soft and delicate shade of color and this color Diamonds are also found in pastel forms. Pastel Orange Colored ones are highly valued like pastel pink & pastel blue color. Pure Diamonds with Orange Color are very rare like fancy red Diamonds and its secondary hues are also very rare in nature.

Diamonds also have certain Nicknames like other Diamonds yellow or brown. Pumpkin Diamond is called because of its parallelism and high carat weights. These Diamonds generally called Peach, Amber, Burnt Orange, Amber Orange Diamonds, autumn Orange, Cognac, etc. Natural Fancy Color Orange Diamonds have many intense grades that are Orange Faint, Light Orange, Very Light Orange, Fancy intense Orange, Fancy deep Orange, Fancy vivid Orange, etc. But you should also know that the highly most desirable Orange Diamonds are Fancy Vivid Orange Diamonds and Fancy Deep Orange Diamonds.

Orange DiamondPure Fancy Vivid Orange ones are described as pumpkin Diamonds. Natural Fancy Diamonds are found in all structures and cut. Some most recognized shapes are Cushion shapes, princess, Emerald, Pear cut, Radiant, Oval, Marquise, Asscher, Heart shape Diamonds and Round Natural Fancy Diamonds. The cushion-cut and 5.54 carats weights Fancy Vivid Orange Diamonds were sold to New York in 1997 and it was bought by Ronald Winston.

Natural Orange ones are derived from the Argyle mine that is very famous for the colored Diamonds’ productivity. These Diamonds are highly produced from the Argyle mines that are located in Australia. These are also derived from South Africa as well. Both spots are commonly known for the availability of this Color Diamonds in Argyle mines. The Brownish Orange hues were discovered in South Africa in 1997. It was derived from the alluvial deposits.

Orange DiamondThese Diamonds are supposed the component of the Carbon category and known for the hardest material. Its name was derived from the Greek word Adamas that means harder minerals that demonstrate the merits of the gems.

This Diamond’s demands depend on its carat weights because it has broken the world record for its high price as per carat weights. The rare carat’s weight is 14.82 carats of Orange Diamonds and one carat is valued at 2.4 million costs. This Color Diamonds that sound like Pumpkin Diamonds are very valuable Diamonds. These are quite heavily sought Diamonds as compared to yellow and others. This Diamond’s narration initiated from Australia and South Africa country.


My Use and Purity –

Orange DiamondPure Orange Color Diamond is found in two hues red and yellow. These are the prime hues and pure Diamond is a combination of these primary hues red & yellow.  You can find the natural fancy this color Diamonds in the series of Orange-Red Diamonds to Orange -Yellow Diamonds. The rarity of this Diamond shows the purity or reality of this.

They are used in luxury jewelry that is found at a high cost. The Color Diamond Jewelry is very popular and expensive. These are used in exclusive Necklaces, rings, earrings, bracelets, etc.   These are highly famed for engagement rings that are actually fabulous. These are very useful and have influential effects on humans.


I am a Healer! – Orange Diamond

Orange DiamondThis Diamond have some great powers and very powerful to the wearers. These are supposed the symbols of passion and energy. It helps to improve and enhance relationships and drawbacks the negative energy and boost inner strength. It is supposed the symbols of encouragement and brave.

These Diamonds have the power to make people bubbling and keep you dynamic. It allows you the superhuman strength power. These support you to accomplish your dreams and plans successful. They have the power to rescue with emotional pain and mental stress.

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