Black Tourmaline

Welcome to the World of Black Tourmaline –

Beauty isn’t always Pink or Red or something Bright. Sometimes Beauty it is Dark, like a Cloudy Sky before rain. Beauty does not always come with Crystalline Shine, sometimes it is Rusty. Beauty can’t be stereotyped or bounded by a set definition and Black Tourmaline is a perfect example of that. Black Tourmaline is a Beauty in Black.

Blessed with immense Beauty and Magical power, Black Tourmaline Stone stands out as one of the most Divine Gem Stone.

Tourmaline comes from the Sinhalese word tormalli which means Gem Stones in general. This term was commonly used in Sri Lanka. It is one of the most Abundant forms of Tourmaline and has a 95% Occurrence out of all the Tourmaline Gem Stones.

Black Tourmaline is the Birthstone for people Born in the month of October and is associated the Astrological sign of Libras.


Let’s Talk about my Origin!

Black TourmalineBlack Tourmaline, also called as Schorl is the most common species of Tourmaline. Almost 95% of Tourmaline mined in various parts of the World is Schorl. The name Schorl is based on the name of a village in Germany. Near the village was a tin mine where Black Tourmaline was found in abundance, now the village is named Zschorlau.

It is a commonly found uncommon mineral and hence its Selling Price is lower than other uncommon minerals.

This Tourmaline is found in various parts of the World. Brazil and Africa are the Chief producers of Black Tourmaline; The Stone is mined in Large Quantities here. Sri Lanka, along with India is one of the Largest sellers of Black Tourmaline Gems. Tanzania, Nigeria, Madagascar, Namibia, Afghanistan, Mozambique are some other Countries rich in Black Tourmaline deposit.

Canada and United States of America are Chief mining areas of Black Tourmaline in the North American continent.



My Value and Quality –

This is a commonly mined Gem Stone with an abundance occurrence; hence, It is valued accordingly. It comes in an Affordable Price range and is commonly sold as jewelries. Black Tourmaline is a popular Jewelry choice, particularly Rings and Earrings.

Often times, people prefer to buy it as a decorative or an Ornament. Due to their Healing Properties, these Stones are worn as a protective shield on the wrist or around the neck.

This Tourmaline is complex Boron Silicate mineral occurs in Igneous and metamorphic rocks.

Black is the most Abundant form of Tourmaline. It has a 95% occurrence around the World. This Stone has a hardness of 7 to 7.5 on Mohs scale with a Specific gravity of 2.8 to 3.3. Black Tourmaline is transparent to Opaque and has a vitreous luster which makes it Beautiful despite being black. It has an indistinct cleavage and a Hexagonal Crystal system.

It is popularly believed that This Tourmaline was one of the Favorite Gemstones of the last Empress of the Ch’ing Dynasty. She was so passionate about this Stone that she bought large quantities of it. The Stone was used mainly in carvings, watch chain bars, or Jacket Buttons worn by the Imperial Court and some Wealthy Personalities.

According to Myths, many famous rulers wore Black Tourmaline to help make them better Decisions and clear their vision.


I am a Healer!

It is a Protective Stone. It has many amazing powers that protect the wearer from negative energies. This projects a psychic shield around the wearer and protects them from any kind of Psychic attack.

This Tourmaline has trans-formative powers. It takes away the negative energies from your soul and transforms them into positive and joyous thoughts. It uplifts your soul and brings peace and harmony to your mind.

This stone benefits your health in various ways. It is believed that wearing This Tourmaline cancels the negative effects of Radiations generated by Electronics.

When the Base Chakra is out of Balance, it results in low activity, low enthusiasm and low motivation and a disconnection from reality. Black Tourmaline is the Perfect Stone to balance your Chakras. This Black Beauty has the Power to activate grounding of base Chakra and the Center of the Earth.

Schorl or the Black Tourmaline is a Strong Spiritual Stone. It is Believed that wearing it near your Heart or on your Wrist brings Light in your soul. It helps you with a clearer Vision and removes any kind of clouded thoughts and doubts. Black Tourmaline helps in making better Decision and Maintaining spiritual consciousness.

This Tourmaline is the Perfect Stone to buy for daily wear. They are also sold as Ornaments and can be used as decorative. Bringing this back Beauty home will enrich your Life in all ways. With its magical powers, This Stone is guaranteed to uplift your soul emotionally and spiritually. This Tourmaline offers immense Beauty and power, all in affordable Price range and is guaranteed to help make your Life better.

Shop Black Tourmaline Stone Here!

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